
  • Megan Barrokh Edwards
  • Megan Edwards is a self-taught artist and a mother to a three-year-old toddler. The artwork is called ‘Cocoon’. The mother is the one in the Cocoon and she’s got the children in the backdrop. We, mothers, wish we could bubble-wrap our children so that no harm can come upon them. We want to spin the protective Cocoon around them just like when they were in the womb, safe from the outside world which is the current state of affairs of the global situation as we know it due to this pandemic. Sometimes we mothers also want to just go into hiding to protect their kids so that they do not see us getting broken down inside. The children however have flowers growing out of them as a sign of hope. That they are the future that we need to protect and the future that will blossom just like the flowers.


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